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docker push | Docker Documentation
> 本文由 [简悦 SimpRead](http://ksria.com/simpread/) 转码, 原文地址 [docs.docker.com](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/push/) _Estimated reading time: 3 minutes_ Push an image or a repository to a registry Usage[🔗](#usage) ----------------- ``` $ docker push [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG] ``` Refer to the [options section](#options) for an overview of available [`OPTIONS`](#options) for this command. Description[🔗](#description) ----------------------------- Use `docker image push` to share your images to the [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/) registry or to a self-hosted one. Refer to the [`docker image tag`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/tag/) reference for more information about valid image and tag names. Killing the `docker image push` process, for example by pressing `CTRL-c` while it is running in a terminal, terminates the push operation. Progress bars are shown during docker push, which show the uncompressed size. The actual amount of data that’s pushed will be compressed before sending, so the uploaded size will not be reflected by the progress bar. Registry credentials are managed by [docker login](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/login/). ### Concurrent uploads[🔗](#concurrent-uploads) By default the Docker daemon will push five layers of an image at a time. If you are on a low bandwidth connection this may cause timeout issues and you may want to lower this via the `--max-concurrent-uploads` daemon option. See the [daemon documentation](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/dockerd/) for more details. For example uses of this command, refer to the [examples section](#examples) below. Options[🔗](#options) --------------------- <table><thead><tr><td>Name, shorthand</td><td>Default</td><td>Description</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><code>--all-tags</code> , <code>-a</code></td><td></td><td>Push all tagged images in the repository</td></tr><tr><td><code>--disable-content-trust</code></td><td><code>true</code></td><td>Skip image signing</td></tr><tr><td><code>--quiet</code> , <code>-q</code></td><td></td><td>Suppress verbose output</td></tr></tbody></table> Examples[🔗](#examples) ----------------------- ### Push a new image to a registry[🔗](#push-a-new-image-to-a-registry) First save the new image by finding the container ID (using [`docker container ls`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/ps/)) and then committing it to a new image name. Note that only `a-z0-9-_.` are allowed when naming images: ``` $ docker container commit c16378f943fe rhel-httpd:latest ``` Now, push the image to the registry using the image ID. In this example the registry is on host named `registry-host` and listening on port `5000`. To do this, tag the image with the host name or IP address, and the port of the registry: ``` $ docker image tag rhel-httpd:latest registry-host:5000/myadmin/rhel-httpd:latest $ docker image push registry-host:5000/myadmin/rhel-httpd:latest ``` Check that this worked by running: You should see both `rhel-httpd` and `registry-host:5000/myadmin/rhel-httpd` listed. ### Push all tags of an image[🔗](#push-all-tags-of-an-image) Use the `-a` (or `--all-tags`) option to push all tags of a local image. The following example creates multiple tags for an image, and pushes all those tags to Docker Hub. ``` $ docker image ls ``` The image is now tagged under multiple names: ``` $ docker image tag myimage registry-host:5000/myname/myimage:latest $ docker image tag myimage registry-host:5000/myname/myimage:v1.0.1 $ docker image tag myimage registry-host:5000/myname/myimage:v1.0 $ docker image tag myimage registry-host:5000/myname/myimage:v1 ``` When pushing with the `--all-tags` option, all tags of the `registry-host:5000/myname/myimage` image are pushed: ``` $ docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE myimage latest 6d5fcfe5ff17 2 hours ago 1.22MB registry-host:5000/myname/myimage latest 6d5fcfe5ff17 2 hours ago 1.22MB registry-host:5000/myname/myimage v1 6d5fcfe5ff17 2 hours ago 1.22MB registry-host:5000/myname/myimage v1.0 6d5fcfe5ff17 2 hours ago 1.22MB registry-host:5000/myname/myimage v1.0.1 6d5fcfe5ff17 2 hours ago 1.22MB ```
2022年8月29日 17:06